Disorganising the world: neoliberalism and the global
Jo Littler
2014-10-22 15:59:26 UTC
Disorganising the world: neoliberalism and the global

Soundings Kilburn Manifesto seminar

Thursday, 23 October 2014 from 18:30 to 20:30

Marx Memorial Library, 37a Clerkenwell Green, London EC1R 0DU London, UK

"Scarcely ever have governments the world over seemed less capable of responding with clear understanding and capability to the problems they encounter ... Our contention is that this has not been a contingent series of events [in the Middle East and Ukraine], a random sequence of foreign policy accidents, but that they are in their own way systemic – a kind of organised disorder – and that understanding them is closely related to the task we have set ourselves in this Manifesto’s analysis and critique of neoliberalism as a global system."

Read more here: http://www.lwbooks.co.uk/journals/soundings/manifesto.html

Join us for the eighth seminar in the Soundings' Kilburn Manifesto series, in which Michael Rustin (Professor of Sociology at UEL) will introduce the latest instalment 'Rethinking the neoliberal world order', which he co-wrote with Doreen Massey to open up debate on the centrality of a global perspective in understanding neoliberalism. Jo Littler will chair the seminar, with Justin Rosenberg (University of Sussex) and David Wearing (SOAS) responding.

"After Neoliberalism?" is an online manifesto - edited by Soundings founding editors Stuart Hall, Doreen Massey, and Mike Rustin - which seeks to open up space to debate alternatives to current dominant neoliberal systems. Previous instalments of the manifesto can be read online atwww.lwbooks.co.uk/journals/soundings/manifesto.html.

The few bookable tickets left can be reserved here

and a proportion will available on the door

Jo Littler
Department of Culture and Creative Industries
ALG15, College Building
City University

Dr Jo Littler
Department of Culture and Creative Industries
ALG15, College Building
City University


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